Person of Interest (2011–2016)
An action thriller with substance.
27 September 2011
From the opening moments of "Person of Interest" I was gripped like wet rope from beginning to end. This is because JJ Abrams and Jonathan Nolan, a successful collaboration at best, delivers thrilling action in both it's plot and action scenes. But what I like most about this series is it's exploration of the post-911 world of NYC and the "surveillance State" which is so plausible that it's frighteningly disturbing. Though admittedly vague, more will be explained in future episodes in further detail.

Jim Caviezel is likable as an action hero. He brings a cold as steel demeanor but also has heart. An ex-government agent whose past has yet to be explored along with partner Mr Finch(played wonderfully by Michael Emerson) they set out to save soon-to be-victims of crime from unknown assassins and vile figures of high society by way of a machine that can predict future crimes. Despite similarities with Minority Report, it's much more grounded in reality and makes it more compelling as to the nature and mystery of the technology behind it. But I've a feeling that's just scratching the surface as to the true nature of it's purpose.

Speaking of Caviezel, the fight scenes have an almost film-like quality flair to them as well as the dialog. I find nothing of fault from the writing as it's backed by superb talent of Jonathan Nolan. His work on The Dark Knight is proof of that and that is what makes this show work.

Person of Interest is a smart, taught, action thriller with substance that is brimming with excitement and dangerous, tense intrigue, and nail-biting suspense.
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