Person of Interest (2011–2016)
I was pleasantly surprised!
25 September 2011
I tuned in not expecting much, and what I got was priceless enjoyment.

I always felt that Jim Caviezel was a good actor who has gotten a raw deal since "The Passion." His best work was "Frequency," but I tell you what his acting in "Person of Interest" was excellent and now I'd have to saw this is his best work to date. If this is any indication, I really look forward to watching him more in the future.

Michael Emerson, well, what can I saw, the guy is a brilliant actor, for "Lost" fans he will not disappoint. You just can never take your eyes off of John Reese and Mr. Finch.

The storyline is cool as well, it kind of has a "24" vibe going on but with it's own innovative twists and turns.

Good writing and of course Jonathen Nolen and JJ Abrams are pretty much golden at this point.

Thanks for a great effort, you've got a fan here and I hope this lasts many more seasons!
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