Review of Robotropolis

Robotropolis (2011)
Quite adequate robot rampage B movie.
22 September 2011
I guess I am not critic enough to slam a movie I haven't even watched like other "reviewers" of this film, so I can tell you I watched all of Robotropolis; not to look for things to gripe about but to take it on its own merits and just have some fun. It's about robots going berserk and killing people - and that is what happens. The CG design and integration into the live action was pretty good, the locations were unusual and interesting, the action kept up a good pace, and it didn't get excessively grisly, though there is some moderately graphic unpleasantness. There were occasional flashes of wit in the dialog and a little inventive camera-work in the chase scenes, but in the end it's a robot rampage movie. Sometimes it's going to be kind of silly. If that's not what you want in a movie, don't watch it. I found it adequately entertaining, it kept my interest and I don't feel I was cheated of my time as I sometimes have with flashier, more expensive movies. Just a decent B movie. Comparisons, they say, are odious and taking it for what it is, not what I think it should have been instead, I think everyone involved did a pretty good job. Some things are just for fun and I liked this fine.
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