See the John Cromwell's Version Instead
21 September 2011
In Paris, the clubfooted aspirant painter Philip Carey (Laurence Harvey) is advised by an acquaintance to give-up his artistic ambition since he would be a mediocre artist. Philip joins the medical school in London using his inheritance to pay schooling and to have a simple but comfortable life.

When he meets the waitress Mildred Rogers (Kim Novak) in a restaurant, the shy Philip has a crush on her but she rejects him. Philip stalks Mildred and dates her; however the easy woman scorns him. When Philip proposes Mildred, she tells him that she is going to marry her lover Mille, leaving the brokenhearted Philip obsessed for her. He tries to move on, dating the intellectual Norah Nesbitt (Siobhan McKenna) in an unrequited love. However, when Mildred returns alone and pregnant, Philip lodges her at home.

Sooner Mildred becomes lover of Philip's best friend Griffiths (Jack Hedley) and leaves Philip again. When Philip finds Mildred prostituting on the red light district, he brings Mildred and her baby to live with him. Mildred unsuccessfully tries to seduce Philip but he loathes her. Mildred feels humiliated and wrecks his apartment, and Philip quits the medical school. Meanwhile Philip befriends Thorpe Athelny (Roger Livesey) that introduces his daughter Sally Athelny (Nanette Newman) to him. But Philip is still haunted by his passion for Mildred.

"Of Human Bondage" is an unpleasant romance about unrequited love, betrayal and sexual obsession. I have never read the W. Somerset Maugham's novel but John Cromwell's version of 1934 is better than this 1964 version, with a better development of the whole romance. This 1964 version reduces the whole story to an unrequited romance between Philip Carey and Mildred Rogers and does not emphasize important aspects of the romance. But Kim Novak shines with her beauty and performance, and it is easy to understand why Philip Carey falls in love with Mildred. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Servidão Humana " ("Of Human Bondage")
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