Ankle Biters (2002 Video)
2 August 2011
To prove there is a film worse than anything by Ed Wood, more horrendous than Tha' Hip Hop Witch or Manos one need only watch this abomination. The aforementioned films can at least be enjoyed with copious alcohol or MST3k episodes, Ankle Biters is beyond saving with either method. I've seen many many bad films in my time but most have some sort of saving grace: maybe the script is actually okay or the director has one or two neat things or there is one semi-talented actor or even the "so bad it's funny" factor comes into play. Even when films don't have any of those factors they at least have heart. Again not so with Ankle Biters. I was promised midget vampires and schlocky fun. As soon as my friend said midget vampires I was there ready for a rollicking good time I mean dwarfs and vampires together at last AWESOME!!! little did I know how wrong I was. Avoid at all costs unless you are an aspiring film maker who just needs a "if he can do it and get it on DVD so can I" kick in the pants.
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