Review of Spider

Spider (2007)
Realistic characters makes the big reveal all the more shocking.
9 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye." So teases (and quite literally foreshadows) the title card of the nine-minute vignette that is Spider, the brainchild of Blue-Tongue Films founder Nash Edgerton. This is the 8th film with Edgerton helming the director's chair, and his evolution as a visionary is astoundingly clear. Over a decade after his first effort, Loaded, comes a gritty, high-octane short film that is beautifully constructed in every way. The sharp editing, gorgeous visuals, and well-executed special effects all combine together to form something of a hallmark in the drought-ridden Australian film industry.

We are introduced in medias res of an argument between Jack and Jill. When they pull their car over for petrol, Jack attempts to mend things with Jill whist immaturely deciding to prank her with a rubber spider. What ensures are consequences far beyond any intentions Jack had.

Edgerton and co-star Mirrah Foulkes play the lead roles to the T, injecting a realism and sincerity into their performances that make the giant twist all the more shocking. The macabre, yet bitterly funny surprise may not be to everyone's tastes, but it is certainly something that will stick in your mind.
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