One of Chabrol's most entertaining characters, but also one of his duller movies
31 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The sly, unorthodox, eccentric, rule-bending Inspector Lavardin, marvellously played by Jean Poiret, is one of the most entertaining characters you can find in a Claude Chabrol film, some might even argue that he is THE most entertaining of all. However, this film is methodical to the point of sedation; Chabrol's direction is mostly flat (with the exception of some stunning overhead shots), and the film plods along without ever really working up much suspense about who the killer(s) might be. The resolution, when it comes, does score some extremely timely points about the hypocrisy and amorality of powerful and "respectable" men (the parallels with a very recent incident that made worldwide headlines are shocking!). **1/2 out of 4.
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