Black Swan (2010)
I can't believe the work that Natalie Portman put into this film and it's easy to see why she received the Oscar.
12 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
By now, Natalie Portman has already won the Oscar for Best Actress for this film. And, because my oldest daughter adored this film and strongly recommended I see it (WITHOUT her due to the content of the film!), I decide to see it and am glad that I did. Natalie Portman's commitment to this film is incredible. Seeing the weight that she lost, the ballet moves she worked on and the wonderful acting, it's very obvious why she got the award.

As for the film itself, I have got a STRONG warning! Before you consider watching the film think twice. The film is at times VERY adult--very adult. Even though there is no nudity per se, there sure is a lot of very graphic content and simulated sex--such that I could understand my daughter not wanting to see this movie with her dad!! Because there are so many other reviews at this point, I'll wrap it up quickly by saying that the film has a wonderful script for two main reasons. First, it's highly original--and I love originality. Second, from a psychological point of view, there are many possible interpretations and it's a great portrait of madness. At the very least, the leading lady is suffering from a SEVERE anxiety disorder as well as schizophrenia--a very, very bad combination to say the least! But I also love how, because the film is often shown from her point of view, you never are sure what is real and what is not--even when the film concludes. You are left wondering exactly what happened and what didn't--and that ambiguity might annoy some, but I appreciated this--mostly because most films explain EVERYTHING and assume the audience is too dumb to try to sort it out for themselves. An intelligently written, directed and brilliantly acted film. Exceptional.
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