The Crucible (1967 TV Movie)
A Dream Cast for a Great Play
6 March 2011
I saw this as a teenager and was deeply impressed by it; it was my first Arthur Miller play. It had a dream cast! It would be wonderful to see it again. This and the sixties Hallmark Hall of Fame version of Saint Joan starring Genevieve Bujold are two old TV broadcasts I would really like to find. I wonder if it still exists in archives somewhere? (I did find Saint Joan online -- but only the audio of the original broadcast!) I particularly remember the confrontation between Tuesday Weld (whom I remember as being quite good) as Abigail and George C. Scott as Proctor. Fritz Weaver was a terrific, tormented Hale! This production is what led me to research the Salem witchcraft trials (and ultimately the European witch craze) as well as to read the rest of Miller's plays! I do remember that it had a spoken "epilogue" as the credits were running that warned us that the cry of "witch" could still arise in times of conflict. (I think this may have been a line added to Miller"s "echoes down the corridor" notes at the end of the script in which he reveals what happened to his characters.)
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