Review of Dark Blue

Dark Blue (2009–2010)
As if The Wire had never been made
26 December 2010
I started watching the pilot, and after a few minutes got the gist of it - tough-talking cops, bad guys all bluster, girls all pretty and big- chested, drums-filled music to signal approach of meaningful sequences, bad guys shooting at front window (reinforced) of empty cars, head cop taking off his glasses to show compassionate care for his crew, blonde girl cop calling her boss on the phone, saying "it's me" without identifying herself (I can do that trick too), and worst of all - the action AGAIN taking place in Los Angeles, a city which should have already been empty of all its occupants for all the murders and killings TV tells us are happening there (I guess it's cheaper to shoot on location there, for i'ts obvious the city is just an offshoot of the studios as there is no other seeming reason for its existence).

Haven't the makers of this terrible waste seen The Wire? Has laziness to think up fresh approaches to police series taken over completely? I would have given this show a straight 0 had I been allowed to. As it is I am thinking of suing the makers for the hour I have wasted and which I am never getting back.

And BTW, I gave it another shot - tried to watch the second episode but lost all interest after 15 minutes. Please don't bring this back...
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