Play the Game (2009)
Solid film
4 November 2010
These reviews are a little harsh. The story is pretty cute. It has it's funny parts, but I didn't go in expecting much. It's a very basic plot that with some editing would be really good, but I think it is worth a watch.

I am a big fan of Indie films but they can be hit or miss. I thought it was a hit for originality in the story. I can agree with other reviews that it was rather annoying cutting back and forth between the two stories right when you get hooked. It has a feel good ending with a fun twist.

I do think the preview for the film is a little misleading. It is a lot more sexual than you would think, but I found it entertaining. Don't take it too literal or you won't have fun with it. There are some parts that might be considered offensive to ages 60 and up. I could see how the movie isn't for everybody. It's definitely aimed at young adults who are still maturing emotionally.
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