Jonah Hex (2010)
A movie that should stay in its grave.
26 October 2010
"Once they realized its potential, they decided that they could not fathom willfully visiting that kind of devastation on their fellow man. But I can."

I've (unfortunately) seen some truly awful movies this year. Jonah Hex may not be the worst of them, but it may well be the one that it appears the least amount of effort went into. From the story, to the editing, to the action scenes and dialogue, it just seems like none of those involved could be bothered to try to make anything worthwhile from this.

I have no experience with the Jonah Hex character, so I really had no expectations of what this movie should be - beyond a possibly fun supernatural action/western. What I got was a nonsensical bore. I couldn't wait for it to be over, despite how short it is. The casting is inexplicably absurd (GOB, really?). There's nothing complimentary I can say about it, beyond the fact that John Malkovich managed to somehow give a decent performance in this mess, and Megan Fox looked incredibly sexy. For the brief ten minutes or so that she's in the movie, anyway. 

My advice? Skip this. It's bad. No matter how much you like Brolin, Malkovich, or the other actors, or how sexy you think Megan Fox is, Jonah Hex is not worth your time. It fails as a comic adaptation, a western, an action flick, and most of all, it fails as entertainment.
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