an overview of the film
27 August 2010
This is a film which was designed for Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau. The fact that this is a remake should not detract from this fact. The original is a screwball comedy with Cary grant as superb as ever, even if he does a little over acting. This film however, remains true to the original, but has two male leads rather than a female and male lead. On paper this could destroy a film, however under the stewardship of Billy Wilder and with these two powerhouses in the lead there is never any danger of that. Jack Lemmon's character wants to rid himself of the newspaper business and especially his editor played by Matthau. However, as the night unfolds the biggest story of his career unfolds, and the reporter in him is constantly sucked back to events rather than his fiancée. Lemmon, plays this angst with consummate ease, it is after all a role he played throughout his career. Matthau however is a tired old cynical hack and an editor to boot. Why should he care about feelings or friendships when there's a story to report on. This film is easy on the eye, although some may get lost in the plot, especially if they join it half way through. What is truly great about this film, is to see two great film stars, spar of each other whilst still at their acting best. THeir later films of the 1990's are pale and tired in that they're trying to recapture something of the magic of this film but falling short. These two protagonists are ably abetted by the supporting cast, who refuse to be brow beaten by their more famous stars. In all, it is a film to make you smile and revel in why we who cannot act are willing to pay those few, those happy few the money for them to act and delight us.
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