Boring, contrived and lacking imagination
21 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I typically only take the trouble to go watch a movie if it has an IMDb rating of greater than 7 out of 10 and fits my genre preferences. So when I saw a 7.1, I was expecting a fairly decent comedy out of two seasoned actors. However, the movie fails on a number of counts:

1. Parts of the script play out like a broken tape recorder i.e. mind- numbing repetition of the same lines and similar jokes. It's as if the script writer got permission to put only 10 funny lines in a comedy movie and tried to squeeze every last drop of humor out of them. Constant references to TLC, Wahlberg's "I'm a peacock" line, the constant portrayal of Will Ferrell as a paper-pushing dork etc. made me feel like my mind was turning to mush as the movie progressed.

2. They weren't kidding when they rated it PG-13 for "crude ...language". The movie is overwrought with misogynistic comments and jokes. It literally reminded me of being in school watching a bunch of prepubescent guys belt out one liners like:

"I didn't know they sold tampons on wheels" (referring to the Red Prius that Will Ferrell drives), or, "I feel like i'm sitting inside a v****a" (referring to the Prius again).

Orgy loving hobos, a grandma passing sexually explicit messages between her daughter and son-in-law etc etc etc. The list is long and I could go on all day. They really overdid it on that count.

3. The plot is weak and devoid of details. It looks like the filmmakers were hoping that no one would care about the story or central theme with the "in-your-face" "comedy". Ferrell and Wahlberg are paper pushing cops (for feeble reasons that are revealed in the movie, and really not worth my time to list) who accidentally stumble into a case far larger than either of them imagined. Contrary to what the plot summary says, nobody wants a part of this case, and the only reason they get into it is because Ershon forgets to file for scaffolding permits for a few buildings he owns. Their investigation ruffles a few feathers and everything goes downhill from there. All of this while these two mismatched cops try to "find themselves", resolve their differences, and fill the shoes of the two knuckle headed "red-bull high" macho cops who randomly jump off a building at the beginning of the movie. Throw in a few car chases, bullets flying willy-nilly, and a stupid wooden gun that Will Ferrell totes around (which is supposed to be soooooo funny for some reason), and that's the summary of this movie for you.

Don't waste your time with this one, unless.... actually, don't waste your time on this movie, period.
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