After seeing this all I thought was: wait, WUT?
12 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I had the pleasure of watching the first episode of TBL with my girlfriend, and the show was so annoying that I simply need to post a review.

First let's have a look at the plot: it's fashion week and Raina Marinelli, an aspiring model to whom I will refer to as "All American Cute Girl (AACG)", rises instantly to fame because she wears some special dress.

This doesn't amuse Sonja Stone, because she was supposed to wear it, which means drama on the horizon! Sonja is apparently a supermodel, who returns to the fashion world after a "mysterious" disappearance. Which is of course complete crap, because how can a supermodel disappear in a world where everybody has a camera phone? Also in New York is Chris Andrews, Mister "All American Cute Boy (AACB)" who is discovered by a talent agent. Of course AACB is a farm boy from Iowa, with a very slender build no chest hair and hawt abz. Which is of course the look of all the farm boys from the Bible Belt.

AACG and AACB meet by "accident" and they immediately start to hang out together... watch out it's love! AACG introduces AACB to the biiiiig city, because it's so big and impressive and dark and dangerous and not at all like Iowa. She helps him with the first step in the mysterious and frightening world of "looking good on photos".

Of course the other male models are all mean to AACB, because he's cute. Too cute to be straight as my girlfriend said, which now still leaves a blank expression on my face when I think about it. Their mean behavior is completely logic, since it is very unusual for a bunch of young, apparently attractive (they are models after all) guys living in a top notch apartment in New York to have fun.

I could go on and on, but I hope that you see that they story is overflowed with clichés. The camera work is bad, the music is the usual 08/15 you hear on any other "hip" chick show. The people are trashy, they wear trashy clothes and live in a trashy world.

The show got canceled after only two episodes, which is great news for me because I don't have to watch it anymore. But it simply amazes me how it could get on the air in the first place. It has nothing to with SATC or GG, which in my opinion aren't great shows as well, but at least they are well done when it comes to story writing, camera work and editing.
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