One Against the Wind (1991 TV Movie)
Whatever I have to be.
23 July 2010
"One Against the Wind" is an American production filmed in Luxembourg that takes place in France, stars an Australian and a New Zealander playing British citizens, and is acted almost totally in English. So, as you might imagine, authenticity is not a major strong point here. The editing also isn't quite up to standard. Scenes often move quickly from one to another, possibly to fit within a forced running time for airing. If time was such a concern, it might have been preferable to remove some scenes altogether to get a little more more breathing room. But, in spite of merely adequate TV movie standards and unimpressive direction, the script and the actors help to make it quite a good film.

Judy Davis is the real meat and guts that holds it all together. She creates a driven, tough and gritty character. It's a welcome change from all her late-career neurotic personalities, which frankly aren't very interesting. She is wholly convincing, as always, but this time as someone you can really connect with, identify with. I'm not disappointed I watched this.
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