Take a tour "South of the Border"
11 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Saw the film at the premiere in NYC; A Q&A with Mr. Stone, Tariq Ali, the producer, and a professor on LA affairs followed.

All in all an important piece touching upon many key aspects of how the leftist rise in Latin America is a direct and cohesive response to the suffering brought on by decades of neoliberalism.

The film is basically an overview of the democratic leftist rise in Latin America in the past decade. The leaders speak for themselves through interviews with Stone affording somewhat of a personal look at who they are. It is certainly refreshing to listen to these leaders speak candidly and authentically about the global economy and the state of their respective countries. Free from the restraints of lobbyists or corporate interests, these leaders come off genuinely passionate about the welfare of the people first. Chavez makes reference in the film expressing hope that such a leader could one day emerge in the U.S. in the mold of an FDR type.

Stone captures the way these leaders care for each others well-being, as well as a desire for regional unity and cooperation, an encouraging sign for the future. Lula's segment was especially brilliant - he is decades ahead of his time.

A number of Venezuelan, and other S.American nationals were in attendance at the screening, and many voiced their sincere thanks to Mr. Stone for backing a project that simply illustrates the truth of what these leaders stand for - a more inclusive and unified road to development in Latin America. I urge all of you that feel the need to relentlessly bash Stone, socialism, and these leaders to put your own psychological dysfunctions aside and look at facts. It's not even all that necessary for you to think critically, just address fact.

Latin America suffered under extreme poverty before these leaders, and there is no instantaneous solution. A relentless resistance has thwarted the movement at every turn, as these leaders attempt to move independently of IMF led development strategy. There is no question that Chavez has an uncomfortable and often autocratic style, but he is surely not a dictator in his actual governance. Chavez will not compromise, and will not put on a mask, an it is precisely this which has elevated other nations in the region to follow suit. These leaders withstand unfathomable international pressure, and they deserve all the credit in the world for what they have done in less than a decade in terms of socialist development. The fact that Mr. Stone has attempted to bring these truths to a larger U.S. audience is necessary and timely. It is a wonderful introduction intended for a U.S. audience who is largely misled about what his happening "South of the Border."

Excellent work
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