Jonah Hex (2010)
Not really what I'd call a catastrophe...
30 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Jonah Hex isn't one of the best movies I have seen. In fact, I can even guarantee you that it will not be in my top 10 at the end of the year. I can also guarantee that it will be nominated for a couple of Razzie awards, but who cares? I found it to actually be really entertaining. I have some problems still with the editing, particularly towards the end when he's dreaming of a fight with Turnbull and he's fighting him at the same time...This sequence got a little bit confusing. Another sequence that was confusing was when the Natives were treating his bullet wound...It was a bit weird to watch, kind of because of the editing. The film also disappointed me with it's length. My friend and I looked at each other when the credits rolled and we thought we had only spent half an hour inside the movie theatre. But if you continue reading you'll find out why I enjoyed so much.

One of the main reasons I liked it was because of the performances of the actors. Josh Brolin gives all he's got in an energetic performance as the title character, Jonah Hex. On the side notes, Megan Fox is also pretty good, and for once her acting is okay. Perhaps it's just a step higher in a career that will otherwise, like it or not, last a long time. John Malkovich is a talented actor, but we can all agree that his performance as Quentin Turnbull wasn't his best. But even the most talented movie makers and actors also go wrong once in a while, and while his performance wasn't that bad, it wasn't typical John Malkovich. Micheal Fassbender is probably the worst, and his acting was much better in last year's Inglourious Basterds. On another note, the early moments of the film shown in ''comic'' remind a lot of what Quentin Tarantino had done in Kill Bill, and were definitely a plus for me.

As for the script, people need to stop bashing it. It was written by Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor, the two guys behind Crank, Crank : High Voltage and Gamer. The people who have seen all three of the movies I mentioned above probably understand that these guys have their own style, and that their style is reflected everywhere in this movie. Of course perhaps the violence has been toned down for the PG-13 rating but the style is reflected, particularly in the way the dialogues are spoken and in the way the action is presented.

Story: Jonah Hex (Josh Brolin) is a disfigured man whose family was killed by Quentin Turnbull (John Malkovich. Hex tries his best to find Turnbull, who fakes his own death, but believing Turnbull is dead, he becomes a bounty hunter that is wanted dead or alive. His only relationship is with a prostitute named Lilah (Megan Fox). But once Turnbull comes back, Hex will stop at nothing to kill the man once for good. Personally, I enjoyed it, and although this film will not please to everyone, those who enjoyed Neveldine/Taylor's previous works will certainly enjoy this film. If you don't like their style, perhaps you should stay as far back as possible from this movie, because it is not a comic-book adaptation like any other. If you're sure you want to see it then I suggest you go now because at this time, the film is flopping, and to become a success, it needs money. If you're not sure, wait to rent the DVD or Blu-Ray and if you think it will suck, then do yourself a favour unlike many people did here on IMDb and just don't go watch it, because frankly, I believe some people knew they'd find it bad and just went to see it to be able to complain afterwards.
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