Review of Jonah Hex

Jonah Hex (2010)
A plethora of under-ratings and over expectations!
23 June 2010
Analysis Paralysis!

It was fun. Everyone did a competent job. It's not a movie for intellectuals, just for people who enjoy flicks. As more people see it, its rating will go up. It's now 4.3/10 with 1,266 votes. Watch.

I really enjoyed that the special F/X were not overdone.

It's a comic book fer cryin' out loud!, it's not supposed to be No Country for Old Men!

I was never bored, it was well paced.

That whole business with the dead people was fun and nice plot enhancer.

I really don't know what all the negative fuss it about.

It's not a summer blockbuster, it's a summer popcorn and soda, better-than-T.V. techno western flick.

Actually, my expectations were so diminished by all the bad press that I enjoyed it More that I expected I would.

As I read all the detailed bad press and saw what over analysis was in the comments, and discounted all that, that's what put me over the edge to go and see it.

And I'm glad I did.

It was fun.

No one's careers were ruined. Just briskly moving summer fun.
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