Review of Jonah Hex

Jonah Hex (2010)
Gets progressively worse as it goes along.
18 June 2010
Starts off as an excercise in mediocrity and cliché but manages to sink even lower as the film's (thankfully short) running time comes to a close.

What a shame. The original Neveldine and Taylor script (which I only read half of because I didn't want to spoil myself silly) was actually quite good. Episodic in the way that Hex gets himself into bizarre jams (much like the original 70's comic) on the road to the film's Macguffin.

One such jam being he runs into a town where the occupants have all been lobotomized.

Unfortunately, none of that makes it to the final film and although a lot of the film was cut down I don't believe they filmed even 90% of what was in that script.

What remains of the N & T script is the Gatling gun sequence (albeit without the gore) and the arena sequence (heavily reworked and, ultimately, uninteresting).

There are one or two shots where Hex is riding through the countryside at night. I'd like to know if any other IMDBers were having trouble making out what was going on in those shots. Poorly lit.

Have cinematographers forgotten to lens a night scene in westerns? All "day for night" jokes aside, this is terrible. I never thought I would see such an eye strainingly dim scene in a big budgeted Hollywood picture.


As for the charisma vacuum that is Megan Fox, she's surprisingly substantial in her introductory scene but falls into familiar territory, for her (empty expression/lifeless), shortly after.
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