so so comedy bit from the 1940s
28 April 2010
"Fun on a Weekend" was written, directed, and produced by Andrew Stone... heck, he even used his wife as the musical director. Eddie Bracken plays a down on his luck guy, who bumps into a girl who's also in money trouble. Not a very strong script, but props to Allen Jenkins for his "Abbott & Costello" comedy bits in the diner. Too bad he got all the good lines. They also rely on the antics of a dog who befriends them for more comedic bits... It's not a total washout, but the plot feels forced, as if they are just going through the motions. Keep an eye out for Clarence Kolb as the stuffy, old rich guy... he always played the cranky old man, the judge, or the wealthy uncle. Also note the hotel bell clerk is Bill Benedict - he was the tall, blond guy from the Bowery Boys, and was called "Whitey" in most of the films he did. There's no spark between Bracken and the blond co-star Priscilla Lane, but some of the gags are amusing.
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