Fun MGM Short
19 March 2010
Further Prophecies of Nostradamus (1942)

*** (out of 4)

I was pleasantly surprised to see how much I enjoyed this entry in Carey Wilson's MGM series on various predictions by Nostradamus. I think this film works on one levels but fails on another but more on that later. What does work are the stories being told here as most of them deal with WW2 and the various stuff people believe was him pointing at Hitler, Japan and Germany (why didn't they read these before all the stuff actually happened?). The stories being told here are all rather entertaining but what the film doesn't do well is make you believe that Nostradamus could tell the future. We get a brief backstory where we learn about his wife and children and then we hear the predictions but they're told in a way where one new to the man would just roll their eyes and say that the "poem" could mean anything and you could decipher what's being said in countless ways and give it whatever meaning you'd like. Those who really believe in the man will probably be disappointed in the way the stories are told but if you don't take it too serious the film offers up 9-minutes worth of entertainment.
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