Wry,Droll Slice Of (Romanian) Life
4 March 2010
Hey gang...are you in the mood for a cop thriller with loads & loads of one car chase scene after another,enough stuff being blown up,real good,ditzy mindless blonde's with size 40 hooters parading around practically nude through out most of the film,as well as lots & lots of bloody,graphic scenes of people having their heads blown off with double barrel shotguns (at point blank range)? Well if you are...do yourself a favour and avoid 'Police,Adjective' like the plague. That aside, 'Police,Adjective' is a drama with some comedic touches from Romania that goes for the brain,instead of the testosterone fueled quarter oz.excuse of functional gray matter (and you know who you are). The story here concerns a plainclothes detective,Cristi (played to perfection by Dragos Bucur),who is on assignment to shadow a potential drug pusher,who is a high school student,to be set up for a drug sting. Problem is,Cristi has nagging doubts that this boy is truly guilty & objects to said such sting. Throughout his working day, Cristi has to deal with un-cooperative co workers,as well as his wife, Anca (Irina Saulescu),who has a penchant for turgid Romanian pop songs (she plays the same banal video over & over again on You Tube,while Cristi tries to enjoy his supper). For me,the (obviously)high points of this film concerns the occasional diatribes between Cristi & his co workers,replete with semantics (had this film been directed by the likes of Quentin Tarrentino,they would have droning on about American pop culture of the 1970's---thank goodness it wasn't). Corneliu Porumbiou ('12:08 East of Bucharest')writes & directs this low key police drama with more than a dash of brains going for it. The rest of the cast turn in equally fine roles. A director that is worth keeping an eye out for. Spoken in Romanian with English subtitles. Not rated by the MPAA,this film has a few drug related references,but ABSOLUTELY no nudity,sexual content,violence or pervasive strong language
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