Battlestar Galactica (2004–2009)
Quite simply the best sci-fi show ever made
6 November 2009
When George Lucas announced that he was to make the Star Wars prequels I had this preconception of a darker, better acted, and more more grown up version of the movies that were made in the late seventies - early eighties. Instead we got a bunch of kids movies, littered with some of the most terrible cinematic decisions ever put on celluloid.

And then the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica came along, which I must add, I watched from start to finish only after the show had made it's debut on mainstream television.

I was initially sceptical of whether this would be any good, but after having reached the finale I can honestly say that this is quite simply the best sci-fi show ever made. The scripts are top notch, the acting superb with a real heart and soul, and characters that, even with their faults, will be remembered with great affection by the viewers for many years to come.

This is the template for all future TV shows. I't does not overstay it's welcome, knows when to stop, and constantly delivers fresh, new ideas as the seasons progress.

Series 1 was a great introduction; series 2 built on the initial success and delivered some of the shows highlights; season 3 was awesome for the first half (until the writers strike kicked in just after half way - but still highly entertaining); and season 4 put the icing on the cake with what I consider to be a tremendous and satisfying end to this great series.

The only downside was that I wished it could have continued, but I guess it is better to exit on a high and leave the crowd wanting more.

For me this has stripped Star Wars of it's crown and raised the bar where although it may one day be equalled, will never be bettered.

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