Make No Promises You Can't Keep
21 October 2009
'Marcello Marcello' is an absolutely delightful slice of Italian cinema that goes down nice,like a fine wine (with a hint of sparkle). Denis Rabaglia directs from a screenplay co written with Mark David Hatwood (based on his novel),dealing with a sea coastal village in Italy in the mid 1950's. Marcello Romei (played nicely by Francesco Mistichelli)is a young man,who wants nothing more than to be able to date the beautiful young Elena Del Ponte (played by Elena Cucci). There's a problem. In this village,there is an ancient tradition where any young man who wants to be with the girl of his dreams,has to make a present to her father. If the father is impressed,then the young man gets to date her. Problem is,all of the young men also want Elena. Marcello goes through hell & high water to procure the proper gift for Elena's father (the mayor of the village,in question),making deals with what seems to be everybody. Does Marcello manage to get a date with Elena? This is a beautifully photographed film (by Filip Zumbrunn,who opts for a look that resembles early Italian Technocolor films from the late 1950's/early to mid 1960's)that is a real treat for the eye. The rest of the cast turn in winning performances that make this for a charming evening at the cinema. Not rated by the MPAA, but contains a few rude words,but little more to offend the eye & ear.
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