It's beside the point
6 September 2009
I've read a few of the 10's at this site and am a little surprised at the pass given to this monument to slavery, racist bigotry, and violence. "Birth of a Nation" is a national cinematic embarrassment. That it is well crafted is moot. If this were a movie that glorified rape or child sexual abuse, but was well crafted, well directed, and had outstanding performances in it, would we be discussing it's virtues as a fine piece of film making? I don't think so.

Consider this: Nazi Germany committed mass murder against Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, Slavs, and political enemies. The plunder and suffering inflicted against these people ripples through our culture to this day. The fact that Leni Riefenstahl's cinematography in "Triumph of the Will" was "groundbreaking" is kind of beside the point!!!

I find the intellectual airy fairy commentary in the 10's section of the reviews here to be disturbing. Frankly, I think you people should be ashamed of yourselves for promoting this disgraceful homage to slavery and murder. Slavery is at the very least murder of the soul. But we all know that was the least of it's offenses.

"The Birth of a Nation" is a bad film because it promotes a reprehensible ideology. The merits of it's production values are irrelevant. And not that it should make a difference but for the record, I am a white male southerner.
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