What were they thinking?
12 June 2009
As a rule writing a negative movie review is something I don't usually participate in ,because frankly any moron can be critical about someone else's work,and we already have too many of those. However when a movie drops down to a level below moronic,below idiocy,even below imbecilic,then something must be said! I can't believe millions of dollars was spent making this piece of garbage...the jokes are not funny,the acting is reaching for something in every scene and they just move on like nothing happened...Like we the audience are so brain dead that we wouldn't know any better. Don't bring your kids to this unless its your wish to lower their I.Q.! The only people who should see this are people in a coma! (No offense if your loved one is in this condition)But then they wouldn't know any difference anyway.On second thought maybe they would...don't let them see it either! I sure hope the ending was good, I wouldn't know because I walked out. Will Ferrell is better than this,Hollywood is better than this(well apparently not),but you are better than this. Rent it if you must,but this is a waste of a box office ticket.
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