what a waste
4 March 2009
What Conan Obrien had on this show was great writing and personality. This is not the case for Jimmy Fallon. I was one of the people that was really excited to see what the Roots could do as a house band and truth be told they're great musically but they sound awkward and out of place much like Fallon himself. He's squirmy and annoying to watch much like he was on SNL. Lorne would've been better off giving this to someone else. RObert DeNiro was nice enough to stop by for the first episode and wasn't able to get a word in edge wise. I realize that its Jimmys show but cmon this is Robert DeNiro shut your mouth and let one of the greatest people to ever appear on a movie screen a chance to say something. Maybe if Jimmy gets less nervous and gets some better writing and doesn't try to just ride Conans coattails this show will be decent but until then i see a brighter future for Craig Fergusons ratings.
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