Seven Pounds (2008)
Definitely worth seeing!!
17 December 2008
I don't give out 10 stars easily unless it's a film that can keep me guessing. A film that will make me want to see it through to the end, not because I paid hard earned cash, but because I truly care about the characters and where they're going to end up. If you like me, then you're going to want to see this one.

Will Smith has always been an interesting actor for me. I watch everything he does because I'm a huge fan. I must admit that the idea of him playing another heartbroken, distanced from the world individual (Hancock, I am Legend) made me a little annoyed, but this one was a home run. The character Ben Thomas is such a mystery that you want to know what he plans to do; for others, for himself, etc. As the story unfolds, so does his intentions and not in a really simplistic way. He's a complex person, but not so much that he aggravates me. He's intriguing.

The connection between Will Smith and Rosario Dawson is so well done and so believable. This is how it's supposed to be done. There's a chemistry in their acting that I haven't seen in about 10 years or so. I'm not exaggerating. I haven't seen too many films where the chemistry is genuine; kudos to the both of them.

It is very touching and sad, yet heartwarming. Geez, did I say that? I walked away from this one feeling good. That's what it is in the end. A feel good movie.
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