The Critic (1994–2001)
A Satirical Work of Art
22 November 2008
Created by ex-partners Al Jean and Mike Reiss (of Simpsons Fame), The Critic is a short-lived, satirical sitcom about a highly intelligent yet obese cable TV film critic named Jay Sherman, voiced to perfection by Jon Lovitz. Jay could carry the entire show by himself, but he's also surrounded by such a wonderful cast of supporting characters. One of my favorites has to be Duke Phillips, Jay's Ted Turner-esquire Southern boss. The level of satire and absurdism in the show is razor sharp. The real highlights are the hilarious movie parodies. My favorite episode has to be the Siskel & Ebert one, simply a classic. The animation is more well crafted than in The Simpsons, especially the backgrounds. The theme music by the always amazing Hans Zimmer is simply exquisite. The show lasted two seasons, one on ABC and one on FOX, but it could've lasted much, much longer. Overall, The Critic is great satirical series that was ahead of it's time. While The Simpsons is still my all-time favorite show, I'd rank The Critic pretty high.
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