17 October 2008
To say that this movie was not as good as the first and then say not bad, indicates that the first had some redeeming value to it all. Let me assure you. This one is better then the first, but thats like saying poo w/ peanuts is better then plain poo.

It is completely predictable and the characters are about as likable as a string of small pox. Making the same stoopid mistakes that horror characters have done for the past 50 years. You would think that given the fact that this movie happens in present day the characters would at least acknowledge.."Hey we are dealing with spooky bad people. What happens to people who take they're eyes off the ghost or when we send someone to get something, by themselves? oh right....we get effed real good." Its bad enough that these characters are complete underdogs in this flick. At least try and make it interesting by having them make educated choices. At least make the lopsided fight somewhat interesting. Nope not this poop with peanuts of a movie. There is so much more to get into with this 88 minute waste of time. I just feel as though if I spend any more time on it then the "Driver" has claimed too much of my life as well.

My rating for this flick....I give it an "A-holes" Means avoid this movie. If you have to choose between this and Wrong Turn 2...go with Wrong Turn 2. At least then you get Corn and Peanuts.
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