Accattone (1961)
Papa Roma
12 October 2008
First movie by PPP,it displays the influence of Neo-realism with its depictions of rooms where adults and brats cram into,its pimps and its hookers,its gangs roaming on wasteland.The hero is a loser whose fate is sealed as soon as his "protégée" is jailed .His longing for purity is very intense,in spite of his "mean" job ,and the meeting with Stella (=star)which apparently should lead him to redemption actually causes his downfall:hence the intriguing scene of the burial (a premonitory dream?or day dream?),the only supernatural sequence in the whole movie :this scenes show Luis Bunuel's influence in the cemetery where the doors are locked and the undertaker digging a hole in the black earth.

Working behind the scenes ,the hypocrite bourgeoisie exploits the poverty of the people ."Teorema" in 1968 can be seen as Pasolini's revenge.

"Accatone" can be looked upon,with hindsight,as a (good) blueprint for "Mamma Roma" ,the young hero of which almost dies like a crucified Christ.But ,chiefly "Mamma Roma" features La Magnani,whose talent combined with that,burgeoning,of the director,produced a masterpiece.
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