Critical response is far too harsh. It's a fun time, and it's worthy of the name Star Wars.
16 August 2008
Well, I've got to admit. I wasn't thrilled at the idea of yet another unnecessary Star Wars movie (does George Lucas not have anything else to do?), but I knew I'd go see it anyway out of sheer loyalty. Star Wars has long been my favorite film series, a series so great in my opinion that I posted on this site while watching the original trilogy - with other posters who were also watching the movies. It was quite the interactive experience. But as I think about The Clone Wars, I have to remember that the 'film' is not actually meant to be a film, but a TV pilot, and it must be treated as such.

As a film, The Clone Wars, is flat, cheesy, formulaic, and predictable, while still holding the Star Wars magic. It dragged a bit towards the end as more characters were introduced and re-introduced. Unfortunately, the critics are sort of right when they say that small children will be the main benefactors of this film...although there were a lot of moments I enjoyed.

As a TV pilot, I think this project was well done. It struck a balance between returning and new characters (especially a character that hadn't even been mentioned in Revenge of the Sith), and introduced some backstory on the severely under-told Clone Wars. We also see a bit of an intro to Jabba the Hutt, as well as why he is allied with Darth Vader in the original trilogy. So, without knowing it, Lucas and company answered some minor questions the viewer may have, while leaving enough intrigue and interest for the viewer to pick up on the television show when it begins on TNT and Cartoon Network.

There's not a ton of returning voice talent (I believe only Christopher Lee, Anthony Daniels, and Samuel L. Jackson return, while the latter two have minimal roles, negating whatever bonus that gives the viewer). Where the new voice actors step in, they more than succeed in giving us the voices we recognize. Matt Lanter did a great job as Anakin (thank GOD Hayden Christensen didn't reprise his role), and James Arnold Taylor was fantastic as Obi Wan Kenobi. He sounds exactly like Ewan McGregor, and Taylor brings a lot to the role. By far my favorite voice in the film. Tom Kane's take on Yoda is indistinguishable from Frank Oz's classic.

The main paradox of this film is that it is obviously meant for children so they can gain more viewers for the television show, but there is far too much violence for a parent to not become concerned. The action is great, and there's definitely a lot of stuff that's done that they couldn't have done in the live action films. Of course, the animation has its detractors...of course, it doesn't look great in the traditional sense, but I got over it rather quickly, and noticed the little things that are hard in animation (such as matching a facial expression to a voice, and the lighting. There was a lot of effort put into this.

As a Star Wars fan, I was not upset because I enjoyed the experience and further charm that the series has. It's definitely likable, if you let yourself like it. If I had to point out another shortcoming, it would be the character development, but I give it a pass here as it is meant to be a pilot. Overall, I think the critical response is far too harsh, with these 'experts' focusing on the fact that this film was actually made, and not enjoying the film for what it is. If you want a good time, and you like Star Wars even a little, I'd say take a chance on The Clone Wars. Who knows, the kid in you may end up laughing a bit.
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