Tombstone (1993)
Cowboys are my weakness!
19 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It's funny, but I notice most of the prior comments are from guys, but speaking as a woman, this is by no means just a guy's flick. It's been one of my favorite films since the day it came out. It's got everything- drama, romance, action, and an honest to goodness story. There are even interesting themes, like the moral dilemma that Wyatt finds himself in-- Is he compelled to help fight the Cowboys even though he's "retired" and just wants to live out his life in peace? Is there a moral equivalence between killing for justice and killing for retribution? How far can a man go to sacrifice his own integrity and better judgment? Even though the Earps are the "good guys", the movie doesn't glamorize violence. Doc Holliday and some of the Earps' other sidekicks ("Creek Johnson" and "Texas Jack") are obviously pretty shady characters, but at the end of the day, are forced to choose between right and wrong, and they choose correctly. It doesn't get much better than Val Kilmer's performance as Doc Holliday, and I can't for the life of me understand why he didn't get nominated for it. I also appreciate the fact that the love story between Wyatt and Josephine didn't dominate the film and take away from the real plot, ala "Titanic". The love story simply served its purpose in helping viewers to better understand the character of Wyatt. Also the friendship between Wyatt and Doc was portrayed tenderly but not wussily. And okay, as a woman, let me just say that there is no one sexier than Sam Elliot. Man alive, if there ever was a person born to portray a cowboy, that guy is IT. If you've never seen a Western, or are not a fan, try this movie. It will make a believer out of you.
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