A tribute to the fans
22 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, the 19 year long awaited sequel, the big summer blockbuster is finally here! I was lucky enough to see the premiere tonite, my hopes were up, the audience was pumped, everyone was just excited, why wouldn't you be? This was the Indiana Jones to blow the trilogy out of the water. Unfortunately, I'm feeling a little empty, I am such a huge fan of the trilogy, movies that hold memories for me as well as excitement still to this day when I watch the Indiana Jones movies. Indiana is back, this film had a little bit of the old style that I was looking forward too, however, I feel like we were lied too. The makers of the film told us there would be no CGI unless it was needed like the old films, not only was there a lot of CGI, the older films had special effects, but they were real, this was a little too cartoonish at times. Not only that, but I felt like the 50's stereotype was being too rubbed in our faces: the jocks vs. greasers, the cold war fear, nuclear bomb testings, the Russians, and the aliens. I'm not going to lie, while the movie is flawed; this is still a fun action packed adventure film that is worth the full price ticket. I think the story was just more of a tribute rather than an actual movie on it's own.

Indiana Jones is back, when the Russians have kidnapped him, Irina Spalko wants him to take her to find a crystal skull that is supposedly the skull of an alien. When they find it, the skull is to be returned to it's kingdom and supposedly they will hold all the power to the kingdom. Indiana manages to escape, meeting a young boy, Mutt, who tells him about Professor Oxley, who Indiana went to school with and how Mutt has heard about the skull and wants Indiana to find it with him. Together they set out to find it with the Russians on their tail, to meet with a familiar face, Marion(Raiders of the Lost Ark, you remember?), to find out another little secret about Mutt and Indiana.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, I do have positives about the film. We have our fun adventure film, rooting for the good guys, laughs, and excitement. Harrison Ford still has Indiana in his blood, no one could ever take his place, Shia made himself a worthy co-star and their chemistry worked very well. Marion was a nice touch, bringing back something to the fans of the trilogy. The only problem I have with this being more of a tribute is that if you watch the trilogy, while they are connected movies, if you were to watch The Temple of Doom first before Raiders, you'd get the movie without having to see the first one. Since this is a very long awaited sequel, I can see why they would want to please the fans, but there is a new generation who unfortunately might have not seen Raiders or The Last Crusade to understand this sequel on certain characters and lines. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is definitely worth your time, but as a fan, I can't help but feel that the ending made me question what the sequel's true motives were: money or for the fans? Judge for yourself.

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