Top talents vs. an unsurprising script...
19 April 2008
Clark Gable gives a giddy, frisky performance as a happily-married magazine magnate in New York City who works closely but professionally with efficient though somewhat demure secretary Jean Harlow; his wife (Myrna Loy) and her fiancée (James Stewart) misconstrue the business-only relationship as something more vital, and pretty soon a subtle attraction does develop between the two workaholics during a conference trip in Havana. Carefully elongated from a women's magazine short story, the screenplay here hits on some issues regarding even satisfying marriages which are still relevant today (mostly that gossip breeds mistrust, and it can come from all corners); still, it doesn't give Gable much to do except talk fast at the office and kiss Myrna in doorways. Loy suffers rather ridiculously (after discovering her hubby took his secretary along to Havana--she thinks in place of her--Loy refuses his calls and starts dressing like a widow!), but Gable obviously enjoyed working with her. Odd to find Harlow so low-keyed (her performance is really the only surprising thing the picture offers), but a Harlow without fizz is rather like a soda gone flat--tolerable, but disconcerting. **1/2 from ****
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