Doesn't do anything to improve my opinion of Oasis, but rather the opposite.
13 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Good: At the end Noel makes a joke that they'll stop touring once Liam goes bald. That's pretty funny.

Bad: Almost everything else. The film is a mis-mash combination of "behind the scenes" band footage - that doesn't look at all spontaneous. Interviews (for example: where Liam tells the interviewer that 'life is good' because "I'm alive man" I didn't know he was in danger of dying at any point in time.... I suppose this is a reference to his 'rock and roll lifestyle' and the dawn of a new, more responsible age. But it's a bit over-dramatic if you ask me.

The concert footage is horrible - based on the fact that Liam can no longer sing, but rather screams in a raspy voice. He has ruined his voice through too much drugs, cigarettes and alcohol. The studio work is not bad at all, but the live performances are rubbish.

Also... I found Noel Gallagher to be quite rude in this film. At one point, the band sits around a tour bus mocking fan mail, and making fun of adoring fans. I found this pretty disgusting behavior, and something you would have never seen the Beatles do *who, by the way, had to deal with many crazier fans than oasis ever has - ie) mark chapman.

Later in the film, during a live performance: Noel tells the crowd that they should 'thank him' for the song 'don't look back in anger' when they *#$% their girlfriends...... Another very classy thing to say.

The Gallagher brothers enjoy comparing themselves to the Beatles, but truthfully they're nowhere close. It's not their music that holds them on a lower level, it's their disgusting personalities. Liam is like a brainless,uncreative John Lennon, and Noel is an evil, arrogant Paul McCartney.

Don't get me wrong. I am a huge Oasis fan. But I think they should give up trying to be funny and charming, and just stick to the music. Because they sound like idiots when they open their mouths for any other reason than singing.
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