The Raven (1915)
Good Silent
29 February 2008
Raven, The (1915)

*** (out of 4)

Three reeler about the life and career of Edgar Allan Poe (Griffith regular Henry B. Walthall). The actual story being told really isn't that interesting as it basically covers Poe not being able to sell his stories and of course the tragic event that would shape his life. There's one interesting scene where Poe goes into dept because he buys a slave that is being beaten by his owner. What really makes this thing worth viewing are the terrific special effects that are certainly some of the best I've seen from this period. There are many dream sequences that look superb and there's also a very nice sequence of The Raven being acted out. Walthall is also very good as Poe. Directed by Charles Brabin who would go on to direct The Mask of FuManchu.
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