Decent Comedy
29 February 2008
Battle of the Sexes, The (1928)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

D.W. Griffith film about an older, rich man (Jean Hersholt) who leaves his wife and two kids when he meets a young, beautiful blonde (Phyllis Haver). The man thinks this younger woman loves him but she's actually just a gold digger. Having been accused of not being able to connect with modern crowds, Griffith made this light weight film but the change of direction really didn't help his career any. Movie crowds, while small, enjoyed the film but the critics gave this the worst reviews of his career up to this point. I think time has been fairly kind to the film, which has some wonderful stuff but sadly the story is just way too predictable, even by 1928 standards. The direction is tight throughout and the performances are all very good. Hersholt is terrific as the dumb old man, Haver plays the gold digger perfectly but it's Sally O'Neil who steals the show of the man's daughter. The highlight of the film is a wonderful scene taking place on a dance floor. The film has a strange mix of comedy and drama that really don't mix well but it's nice seeing Griffith doing a film in modern settings.
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