Psycho (1960)
Good, but overrated and unintentionally funny
22 July 2007
"Psycho" was definitely a decent film, no surprise as it was made by the great Hitchcock at the top of his game. But the film was just too predictable and had too many laughs where they were not supposed to be.

I mean seriously. I can't speak for the crowds in 1960, but if anyone watches this for the first time today, it's pretty obvious where this entire picture is going after we go to the motel for the first time. The title itself is clue enough (he's a "psycho" after all) but really, I can't see anyone not guessing the big 'secret' of this flick way before the ending.

The film's main characters are cast superbly. Janet Leigh looks great and sexy, keeping the film from being too boring because she's so beautiful and good on screen. And of course Anthony Perkins does a pretty decent job. He doesn't give the awe-inspiring heart-stopping performance that fans of the flick seem to think he gives, but he is very good indeed.

The ingredients of the movie are put together very nicely, with the music and editing utilized for the maximum effect. Hitchcock definitely shows why he's known as such a great talent in these respects, putting it all together beautifully.

Unfortunately, the film suffers from too many laughs where they aren't supposed to be. When Norman first indicated he's a little "psycho," it's very funny watching him and his serious face as he gives clues he's such a nut case. With "Mother," whenever "she" talks (and yells), it's just too funny not to laugh at it. Even the scene when Norman carries "Mother" form her room is funny, as she talks her nonsense as he carries her out with her legs dangling.

And the "shocking" cellar scene almost plays like a comedy skit nowadays. When "Mother" is turned around in the chair, what you see just looks too funny not to laugh, and when Norman comes in, combined with his face, the way he was dressed, and the "Psycho music" at full bombast, I couldn't help but crack up for ten minutes at the hilarious combination of all this. Sorry to say, what was supposed to be such a frightening scene, is just too comedic to truly scare anymore.

It's unreal to think "Psycho" was voted one of the scariest films ever made. Who does this movie actually scare?

And the cop at the end, with his long-winded speech that sums up the whole picture (conveniently with the rest of the cast sitting and listening intently), is just too blatantly pandering that you just want to say, "ok, I think we all get it now!" You almost expect the cop to turn to the crowd in the theater and say, "ok, does everyone understand now?"

Even the very last shot of Norman is kind of funny, with the expressions he is making. The skull kind of saves the scene, but still.

"Psycho" is still recommended viewing for any old school movie fan, just to see Hitchcock's work. But the challenge is not to laugh at many certain scenes. The "Making of" documentary on the DVD is pretty decent (if not somewhat long winded itself) but the omission of deleted or rare scenes is definitely noticed. Janet Leigh is still very sharp though, and still looks great.
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