As Good as Dead (1995 TV Movie)
Engaging And Well-Written Identity Swap TV Thriller
16 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Susan's friend Nicole takes ill suddenly and has no medical insurance, so they swap identities, but then Nicole dies during surgery. With her bank accounts closed and fearing she may be implicated in manslaughter, Susan continues the pretence of being Nicole and tries to figure out what happened and how to get her life back.

This is a good TV thriller, due to writer-producer-director Cohen's considerable skill as a scripter - for me, he always gets the balance just right between intriguing premise, plot development and plausibility, and this story is typically full of good ideas. What would happen if the authorities mistakenly thought you were dead ? How could you fake a blood-type on a patient-ID ? How could you assume someone else's identity ? As well as grappling with these ideas, Susan is also dealing with her own guilt and her new-found relations, including a half-brother with a closetful of secrets. The four leads are good and the story keeps you guessing in a pleasant way, although inevitably there's a little bit of a TV-movie sheen of blandness. If you've never heard of him, check out Cohen's rich body of work; his movies are all cheap and nutty, but highly original and caustic; my favourites are God Told Me To, Full Moon High and The Ambulance, but he's written many other good films (Best Seller, Guilty As Sin, etc). A minor work by a great writer-director.
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