J.C. Chávez (2007)
A very well made, stylish documentary about legendary Mexican boxer
5 May 2007
I just saw Diego Luna's directorial debut at the Tribeca Film Festival, where it is having its world premiere. Luna, who has already proved himself to be a great actor, in films such as Y Tu Mama Tambien, has crafted a highly entertaining film. Though brief, clocking in at under eighty minutes, it gives you a good feel for Julio Antonio Chavez. Interviews with his friends and family provide a glimpse at his childhood; clips of coaches. boxing promoters (including Don King) and even celebrity appearances ranging from Steve Wynn to Mike Tyson give you a sense of his astounding professional career. With a record of over 100 wins and only six losses, he was a national hero. Luna clearly admired him: what stands out is the closing titles, in which the director reveals how dedicated Chavez is to his children: he is passing on his beloved pastime on to the next generation. This is one of the better documentaries I have seen recently (and trust me, I've seen quite a handful at the festival this year). Luna has infused the film with a lot of style (including good juxtaposition of music and imagery). He has proved himself to be a talented director; I look forward to seeing more of what he has to offer if he takes on a narrative film.
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