Unveiled (2005)
A Powerful Tale of Survival, Prejudice and Love
16 April 2007
The educated Fariba Tabrizi (Jasmin Tabatabai) flies from Teheran to Germany expecting to have asylum, since she is persecuted in Iran due to her lesbian relationship with her beloved Shirin. However, her application is denied by the authorities and Fariba has to return to her home country. When her recent acquaintance Siamak (Navíd Akhavan), who is grieving the death of his brother, commits suicide, Fariba assumes his identity and status of political refugee and is sent to a refugee camp in a German village. Fariba finds an illegal work in a cabbage factory and she has many difficulties for not having bath with the other male workers. She becomes close to her colleague Anne (Anneke Kim Sarnau) and they fall in love for each other. However, prejudice and her illegal condition jeopardize her exile in Germany.

"Unveiled" is a powerful tale of survival, prejudice and love that recalls the also magnificent "Boys Don't Cry" because of the situation of the lead character. The story is totally realistic and credible, exposing the intolerance of Muslin nations (Iran, in this case) with lesbians. The direction of unknown (at least for me) Angelina Maccarone is sensitive, disclosing the dramatic situation of Fariba never being corny. The stunning performances of Jasmin Tabatabai and Anneke Kim Sarnau are outstanding, and they show great chemistry in a beautiful and sad love story. My vote is nine.

Title (Brazil): Not Available
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