Hugh Grant establishes his persona in excellent British comedy...
1 March 2007
This is one of the funniest, wittiest, cleverest comedy/romances to come out of Great Britain, moving at a quick pace through a series of scenes commemorating FOUR WEDDINGS AND A FUNERAL, with a cast of wonderful British players headed by HUGH GRANT and American actress ANDIE MacDOWELL.

The running joke seems to be that Grant never knows what time it is, even though he's scheduled to attend a wedding almost every Saturday of his life. Grant plays the character in his standard befuddled, confused, yet charming manner and handles the role like a real pro.

I'm not an admirer of ANDIE MacDOWELL but she's competent enough as his over-sexed sweetheart, the girl he falls in love with "at first sight", with marriage eluding both of them because of some bad timing. At last, just when it seems Grant will tie the know with someone else, he comes to his senses (thanks to a hilarious church scene that ends with his would-be bride punching him out of sheer vexation, knocking him flat on the church floor).

Delightful performances by the entire cast, with special kudos to JOHN HANNAH, SIMON CALLOW, KRISTIN SCOTT THOMAS and ROWAN ATKINSON in great supporting roles.

But it's Grant who keeps the thing buoyant and easy to take despite some of the implausibilities in detailing the relationship he has with MacDowell. Easy to see why the screenplay got an Oscar nomination.
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