Kelly and Sinatra Do It Again!
28 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This second Kelly-Sinatra vehicle brings together the winning combination of the previous 'Anchors Aweigh'- overtly masculine, dame-chasing Kelly and shy Sinatra with a NEW member of the gang, the comic relief of Jules Munshin. MGM bosses must have been impressed with the gang, as the trio would be repeated the same year in 'On The Town' to greater success.

'Take Me Out To Ball Game' is a fairly formulaic Kelly-Sinatra musical with some memorable numbers. The plot involves a baseball team and some mild romantic complications for Kelly and Sinatra as they win the girls, water-babe Esther Williams and the great Betty Garret.

Kelly and Sinatra had already established the screen personalities they would inhabit opposite each other in 1945's Anchor's Aweigh. Sinatra, considering the shenanigans of his private life, somehow gets away with playing the lovable shy, boyish foil to Kelly's brash, bold American-Irish lad. The plot is basically a rehash of Anchors Aweigh, with Sinatra falling for a dame out of his league (Williams) who really isn't right for him anyway. Kelly is initially indifferent and sometimes encouraging to the match, but all that changes when he starts developing feelings for Williams. Of course, Garret is the right gal for Frank, and somehow it all turns out OK with new romances blossoming, and a friendship intact. Ain't movies grand?!

Kelly and Sinatra do a couple of memorable numbers together, the title tune and'Yes, Indeedy' (very catchy indeed!). The numbers are designed to showcase Kelly's dancing and Sinatra's vocals, with Sinatra only getting some light dancing to disguise his limitations. Sinatra and Garret warm up for the funny and sexy 'Come Up To My Place' of 'On The Town' with 'Baby, It's Fate'. Kelly gets one solo with some energetic dancing in an Irish-influenced jig. Munshin joins with Kelly and Sinatra for the physical 'O-Brian to Ryan to Goldberg' number, and Sinatra contributes his usual ballad, this time sung to Williams. The cast all get together for a barn-storming rendition of 'Strictly USA', which is repeated in the musical finale with some tongue-in-cheek lyrics (catch the references to Kelly and Sinatra's frequent co-stars, Judy Garland and Kathryn Grayson).

It's fun, it's corny,it's formulaic...it's Kelly and Sinatra...see it!
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