Good movie, lousy DVD output - Spoiler Warning!
26 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I like the story and its plot, especially dealing with the cultural clash of what is right and wrong and what is law. We are invited into the thinking of a proud tribe intruded by white people, who install dependence and betrayal. White traders cashing in furs for cheap alcohol, lowering prices so Inuit people can barely live. Agaguk, a proud chief's son gets impatient and kills a trader who wants to betray him. I like how Agaguk gets challenged by life and the attack of the white wolf, learns to respect his wife and let go of his anger. Lots of shamanic principles are to be found in this film, such as young people live alone on the edge of adulthood and the belief that if you take in some of the flesh of the enemy you might inherit his power. Only behind this background the end is understandable to "white" audience.

What I did not like at all, the German tape version shows the killing of Donald Sutherlands character, in which there is a part of his private parts being cut off. Ofcause the Canadian DVD version cut the scene out.

I think it is severe damage to the cultural picture you may get from this film. Why do "white filmmakers" always want to imply that "white" morals cannot be inflicted by actually showing a stone age still existing tribe's actions. Its like showing a cuddly wild cheetah on the screen without any hunting scenes. I hate how native people are downsized to harmless "pets" when it comes to be portrayed in a movie!

Rather leave the shocking scenes in and rate the film for a higher age!
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