Anyone who loves animals must see this film....
28 September 2006
While this film may have taken certain creative license with some facts, this story is important and upsetting. Many people in the US are still not aware of the poaching issues, the wild horses that are being sold for profit now, and many horrific things that still go on, simply because animals have no one to protect their rights.

This film is upsetting and sad, but also beautiful. To see the silver back gorillas, how gentle they are to each other, and see Sigourney Weaver as Dian Fossey, who attempted to communicate and understand them.

It is sometimes difficult to learn what inhumanity man is capable of; against both humans and animals. But by learning about this issue, one may be galvanized into learning more, joining a humane association, or teaching their children to respect animals. Animals, especially in the wild are also God's creatures, and deserve to be respected. 10/10.
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