Review of Robowar

Robowar (1988)
Not one of Mattei's best efforts...
7 September 2006
Well, well, well.....this is a mightily shameless knockoff even by Bruno Mattei standards!

Despite the great cast of Italian B-movie stars assembled here including Reb Brown, Massimo Vanni, Romano Puppo and Max Laurel, this film never raises above the decidedly average mark due to its obvious lack of imagination and ambition other than to be a blatant Predator clone (sans the budget).

Not content with ripping off just the basic premise either, Mattei has directly lifted a number of scenes and lines of dialogue from the previously mentioned Hollywood blockbuster with the result at times being frankly cringe inducing.

In addition the main bulk of the film here is comprised of budget saving, boring padding tactics which usually comprise of our heroes plodding around the jungle aimlessly interspersed with some intermittent gunfire as they catch a fleeting glimpse of their hunter (a rather poorly conceived looking robot named Omega 1)

Certainly not one of Mattei's better efforts and curiously lacking the usual 'so bad it's good' charm that his work usually comprises, Robowar is overall, a fairly bland affair. A real shame.
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