Monster House (2006)
Much too Sinister and Disturbing to be a kids' movie!
30 July 2006
I have read a lot of the reviews on this movie, and contrary to what it seems most of the other people thought, we hated it. We almost walked out of the theater. Seven of us, of all ages, went to see this movie together, and the highest rating it got from our group was an "okay" from my nine year old son. For the younger kids it was terrifying and we had to leave the theater. From the previews it looked like something we'd really like and we made a point on vacation to see it at a theater in 3D. The animation was well done, but I didn't like most of the characters and it was more like an episode of "Supernatural" than a kids movie. The plot seems like a rehash of the popular horror genre TV shows. The poor attempts at humor are really sad. A couple of short giggles a couple of time is all we heard in our theater. The beer drinking and sexual suggestions DO NOT belong in a kids' movie! I hated the way the all parents were portrayed as stupid, immoral, and uncaring! All the threatening and abuse of the kids was disturbing. What can I say, this is one of the worst movies I have seen in a long time! It turned out to be nothing like any of the commercials we had seen marketed it and it was a horrible way to end a wonderful vacation. There is so much that is disturbing and inappropriate about this movie and it should NEVER, NEVER have been marketed for kids and families, or ever even made as far as I'm concerned! I will be telling every parent I know to avoid this one like the plague!
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