It's easy to warm up to the Benchwarmers but the potty humor goes a bit too far
13 July 2006
Gus, Richie, and Clark are three of life's wallflowers. Richie, for example, still works in a video store and has never kissed a girl while Clark has a paper route and thrills to macaroni and cheese dinners from mother. When they spot a baseball team full of bullies doing their thing on a group of sweet nerds, they hatch a plan. The three of them will take on any little league team that has swelled heads and cold hearts. Nevermind that only Gus can hit and pitch, the trio do quite well and create havoc for the bad news bears everywhere. They even get a sponsor who promises a lovely new baseball field to the winner of the benchwarmers vs. bullies season. But, are there secrets that will destroy the benchwarmers noble ideals? This is a funny movie, without a doubt. The three stars, Schneider, Spade, and Heder, are a winning and wacky combination, to say the least. The gentleman who plays Richie's agoraphobic brother is a scene-stealing guffaw machine as well. The movie has top notch production values in costuming, scenery, script and more. The only problem, in-your-face throughout the film, is the bathroom humor that goes too far. Parents should be cautioned about this gross-out material before the family sits down to watch the movie together. Nevertheless, Benchwarmers has some good messages and giggles galore. It should be a hit with older children and fun-loving adults everywhere.
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